So you want to know who we are? Here you will find some information about the webmaster and his preferred travel companion.
My name is Patrick and I was born in 1960 in the most beautiful town on the river Rhine — Düsseldorf. In fact I was really lucky that i was not borne 40 km up the Rhine. Who want’s to live in Cologne? So I may enjoy drinking Altbier“ (special local beer), eating Löwensenf“ (special spicy local mustard) and supporting the best football team in the world, Fortuna Düsseldorf.
But sometimes even visitors from the “Cathedral City” get lost and will be linked to our homepage. And of course we also extend a warm welcome to all people from Cologne and even pay a tribute to your town. We simply have to admit that the carnival in Cologne is better than in Düsseldorf
That’s it. Our old town is much more beautiful and of course our beer tastes much better. If you don’t believe that here is one recommendation. Get a place in front of the Uerige (famous brewpup), enjoy a freshly tapped beer and the relaxed atmosphere. May be we will meet each other.
And there is of course Elke, born in 1963, my wife and favourite travel companion. Our first common holiday was in 1984 when we travelled to South France and slept in a tent. The first long-haul journey we did in 1987. It was our honemoon trip and we conquered the West Coast of the USA.
After that trip we were infected by a virus called wanderlust. In the following years we travelled to all continents. The USA including Hawaii and Alaska by far became our favourite travel destination. But we are also extremely fascinated by South Africa. And we like Canada, Australia and New Zealand very much.
In 2003 we bought a motorhome, and the following six years we explored a continent which had been quite unknown to us so far: we are talking about Europe. This way of travelling we also liked very much, and for sure we will buy again a motorhome once we will have retired.
Our favourite destination in Germany is the island of Sylt. The two pictures on this side were taken there. We do not know of a better place to relax than on this wonderful North Sea Island. A perfect alternative to our long-haul journeys which sometimes can become somewhat strenuous.
We have documented many of our journeys in detailed travel reports and published them on our homepage. It is our intention to continue with that also in the future. Therefore this homepage is likely to grow further, and hopefully will give a lot of pleasure to our visitors.